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A Personalized Way to Restore Your Smile

Are you sick and tired of dealing with the inconveniences of missing teeth? Are you ready to eat, talk, and smile as confidently as you did when you still had all of your original pearly whites? At Almost Heaven Dentistry, we often recommend one of the most tried and true methods of replacing missing teeth – dentures. Each denture is custom-made to closely mimic your natural smile by using personalized, lifelike materials. To find out if you’re eligible for this treatment, contact our office today!

older man smiling with dentures in St. Albans

Why Choose Almost Heaven Dentistry for Dentures?

Types of Dentures  

Whether you’ve lost a few teeth or a full arch, dentures come in different varieties that can meet your needs. During a consultation, one of our dentists can examine your mouth to determine which solution would be best for your unique smile.

Full Dentures

A full denture consists of an entire row of artificial teeth that sit atop a pink acrylic base. Natural suction against the gums holds them in place, but you can always use a denture adhesive for additional security.

Partial Dentures

A partial can replace multiple missing teeth along your top or bottom arch. The prosthetic teeth are placed strategically along a gum-colored base in order to fill the gaps in your grin. It remains in place thanks to metal clasps or clips that secure it to your remaining natural teeth.

Implant-Retained Dentures

For a denture that is stabler and longer-lasting, we can place four to six dental implants to secure a full or partial denture. These small titanium posts are surgically inserted into your jawbone to replicate the roots of your lost teeth. After three to six months, the implants will have permanently fused to the bone, creating a sturdy foundation for your full or partial denture.

Are Dentures Right for Me?

You might be a candidate for a traditional denture if you’re missing several or all of your teeth from your top or bottom arch. You should also have healthy gums, or at least be willing to undergo gum disease therapy before placing a denture.

To receive implant-retained dentures, your jawbone must be strong enough to accommodate the implants. If that’s not the case, we may need to perform a bone graft or a sinus lift to strengthen the weakened parts of the jawbone.

Benefits of Dentures

older woman crossing her arms and smiling

Dentures have come a long way since George Washington wore false teeth made of wood. Today’s dentures are more lifelike and comfortable than ever before, so much so that they should look just like your natural teeth. Here are just a few of the numerous benefits that dentures offer:

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