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Emergency Dentistry

Get Your Emergency Handled the Same Day!

At Warnick and Semder Dentistry, we do everything possible to make handling your dental emergency easy and affordable. At our dental office, we keep our schedule open in order to accommodate emergency dentistry in St. Albans, WV not just current patients, but new patients as well. If you call our dental office when it opens, it’s extremely likely that we’ll be able to see you the same day, confirm the problem, and provide a solution to ensure relief. We’ll always do our best to be gentle, caring and considerate, whether you have tooth pain from decay or a broken tooth due to a bad fall.

Woman in dental chair holding jaw

Why Choose Almost Heaven for Emergency Dentistry?

How to Handle Common Dental Emergencies

Man in pain holding jaw

Most dental emergencies occur in two unique ways. The first is from a long-term condition like tooth decay or oral infection, both of which can lead to a severe toothache. The other common cause is physical trauma to the mouth, typically from a bad fall or while playing a contact sport without the right protective gear. Both can be treated at our dental office, which is why you should always start by giving our dental office a call to schedule an appointment. Until then, here’s how you can stabilize your condition in the following scenarios.


Woman in pain holding jaw

Use dental floss to remove potential food debris from in between teeth, which can cause discomfort. If pain persists, take an over-the-counter painkiller like ibuprofen and use an ice pack to reduce swelling. At our dental office, we may provide antibiotics, perform decay removal or a schedule you for a root canal depending on the extent of the damage.

Chipped/Broken Teeth

Woman covering her smile

Collect any pieces of teeth that you can find so you can bring them to our dental office. If bleeding is present, bite down on a piece of gauze for about 15 minutes or until bleeding stops. Take a painkiller and apply an ice pack to your cheek, removing and reapplying every 10 minutes. Our dental office may need to cover the tooth with a crown or extract it entirely if the damage is too severe.

Knocked-Out Tooth

Older man holding jaw in pain

Keep calm and look for the tooth. Once found, pick it up by the crown portion only. Do not touch the root nor remove any tissue that may still be attached. Gently rinse the tooth with cold water and rinse your mouth out as well. Then, place the tooth back into your socket. Alternatively, you can place the tooth in a container of milk or salt water and get to our dental office within the hour.

Lost Filling / Crown

Man in pain holding cheek

Lost fillings and crowns are not as big of an emergency as severe tooth pain or a broken tooth, but they can still put your natural tooth in harm’s way if left uncovered for too long. After rinsing your mouth out with warm water, reseat your restoration with dental cement, denture adhesive or sugarless chewing gum if neither are available.

How to Prevent Dental Emergencies

Smiling woman in dental chair

The key to avoiding dental emergencies in the first place is taking the steps to practice preventive care. While this includes brushing and flossing at home, it also means committing to routine checkups and cleanings so all plaque and tartar can be removed and any issues are caught ahead of time. You should also wear a nightguard if we believe that you are grinding and clenching your teeth or a mouthguard if you play in contact sports where the risk for oral injury is higher.

The Cost of Treating Dental Emergencies

Older man in dental chair holding jaw

The cost of a dental emergency varies based on the severity of your case. If you have tooth pain, we may only need to provide minor tooth decay removal and antibiotics, but in other cases, more comprehensive root canal therapy is needed to restore your tooth. Regardless of what type of emergency you’re having, you should always schedule a visit with our dental office rather than put off treatment. We’ll always help you with affordable financing plans or confirm your insurance coverage benefits, depending on your needs.

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